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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Right Turn

I was driving the kids to school yesterday morning & noticed when I turned on my right turn signal it was showing up as the left turn signal. After fiddling with it, it would work fine. I expressed this concern to Kaitlyn & Cody, in which Kaitlyn's response was just more animosity towards this vehicle that everyone(but Casey) thinks needs to be recycled for something newer.

So...later on that afternoon after picking Cody up from school, I was waiting to turn & the police officer directing traffic(they direct traffic for the schools here in the mornings & afternoons) started walking towards us. I rolled down my window, so that I could see what he was wanting. As Cody was shrinking in his seat, the police officer asked if there was a reason why, when I was turning right that my signal was showing left??? Ummm, no not really-sorry...wasn't doing it on purpose, so I explained to him how I had just noticed the signal malfunction earlier that morning. He then proceeded to inform me that he has noticed it for awhile now & it's confusing to him, so I needed to get that checked out...SOON!

Alrighty then...since Casey is out of town until Monday I guess it will just have to wait, but I will definitely make sure NOW when picking up Cody that I'm signaling RIGHT instead of left & not confusing anyone!

(Cody thinks I need to put a note in the van to help remind me. Kailtyn's just embarrassed for me that I haven't noticed it before now.)

I'll just add that to Casey's "TO DO/WELCOME BACK" LIST!


♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...
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GeorgiaBecksteads said...

I love the comic you found. Just remember it is opposite day until you get it fixed. :)